At Moore 1st United Methodist Church, there are many opportunities for children to experience God’s love, learn about God’s word, and participate in the community of believers.

Infants & toddlers are invited to be cared for by our childcare specialists in the nursery. Children will have the opportunity to play together, to eat a snack, and other activities appropriate for the child’s age. Nursery is available during Sunday morning, Wednesday evening, and occasionally for special church events. Children are always welcome in worship services, and the nursery is also available for families who prefer that option.
Preschool & Early Elementary
Children in preschool and early elementary age groups begin to learn about God’s love and the Bible through Sunday school and other opportunities. Teachers share creative activities and games that help children explore stories from the Bible and age-appropriate tenets of our faith, such as knowing that God loves and cares for them.
Sunday school meets from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Kids will dance and sing songs, hear a Bible story or lesson, and explore creative activities related to the lesson. The class shares joys with each other so they can celebrate with each other, and shares concerns so that they can pray together.
Preschool and early elementary kids can also take part in children’s choir and Bible activities on Wednesday evenings. Our class meets from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Children will sing and dance, learn music to share as a choir during church worship services, and enjoy a lesson, games, or other creative activities. After our class ends, if family members are taking part in activities that run beyond 7:00 p.m., kids are invited to stay for aftercare activities like playing outside, free choice art projects, or watching a fun movie.
Families can visit the children’s check-in table on the north side of the Fellowship Hall to one of the teachers and check their children in for Sunday school or for Wednesday night activities.
During worship services, children are invited to join their families and experience what it means to worship together as a church. Worship activities are available for children to use during the service. Coloring and activity pages mirror themes the adults are exploring through the scripture readings, music, and sermon. In the sanctuary, young children may also enjoy busy bags with other objects to explore during the service.
During most services, children are invited to the front to take part in the children’s moment with a special lesson just for them. Once per month, children lead the congregation in collecting the noisy offering. Children are invited to take small buckets around as the congregation fills their buckets with coins. The church Missions committee uses the funds from the noisy offering for a designated ministry each quarter.
Older Elementary
Children in older elementary age groups are ready to dig deeper into what they are learning about God and the Bible. They also begin to be able to share their gifts and abilities as they participate in the church community.
Sunday school meets from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Children’s Hall. Kids will dance and sing songs, hear a Bible story or lesson, and explore creative activities related to the lesson. The class shares joys with each other so they can celebrate with each other, and shares concerns so that they can pray together.
Older elementary kids can also take part in Children’s Choir and Bible activities on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7 p.m. Children will sing and dance, learn music to share as a choir during church worship services, and enjoy a lesson, games, or other creative activities. Aftercare is available until 8 p.m. for parents in ministry classes.
During worship services, children are invited to join their families and experience what it means to worship together as a church. Worship activities are available for children to use during the service. Coloring and activity pages mirror themes the adults are exploring through the scripture readings, music, and sermon.
In addition, older elementary age kids have opportunities to further grow and share their gifts in the church community.
Kids ages 4th grade and up are invited to join Jr. Ringers, which meets @ 5 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. Kids begin to learn to create music together as a chimes ensemble. Kids in children’s chimes are learning skills for sharing worship through music with the congregation.
Older elementary kids are invited to begin to serve in worship services as well. In the Sanctuary services, kids ages 3rd grade and up are invited to serve as acolytes. Acolytes bring a flame that represents the light of Christ into the sanctuary at the beginning of the service, and use it to light the candles on the altar. At the end of the service, they take this flame back out into the world, which symbolizes how we as the church take the light of Christ’s love into the world with us. Older elementary kids are also invited to begin to serve in other ways, helping greet worshippers, distribute bulletins, and in other worship tasks.
Vacation Bible School – Wednesday Night’s in June
July is one of the best months at Moore 1st UMC, because we transform into the site of Wednesday Night VBS – Vacation Bible Explorers!
With rooms transformed to reflect the theme of the year, VBS invites kids to experience God’s love and explore the Bible through music, storytelling, science, arts, and games!
Kids ages 3 years – 6th grade are invited to participate!
Wednesday evenings July 12, 19, 26 & August 2 5:30 – 8 p.m.
Community Dinner at 5:30 – 6 p.m.
For more information please contact (405) 794-6671, [email protected]